chapter 2



From: SuperCollider


SuperCollider is a platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition, used by musicians, artists, and researchers working with sound. It is free and open source software available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

SuperCollider features three major components

  • scsynth, a real-time audio server, forms the core of the platform. It features 400+ unit generators ("UGens") for analysis, synthesis, and processing. Its granularity allows the fluid combination of many known and unknown audio techniques, moving between additive and subtractive synthesis, FM, granular synthesis, FFT, and physical modelling. You can write your own UGens in C++, and users have already contributed several hundred more to the sc3-plugins repository.
  • sclang, an interpreted programming language. It is focused on sound, but not limited to any specific domain. sclang controls scsynth via Open Sound Control. You can use it for algorithmic composition and sequencing, finding new sound synthesis methods, connecting your app to external hardware including MIDI controllers, network music, writing GUIs and visual displays, or for your daily programming experiments. It has a stock of user-contributed extensions called Quarks.
  • scide is an editor for sclang with an integrated help system.
Functions, arguments, variables


A Function is an expression which defines operations to be performed when it is sent the value message. In functional languages, a function would be known as a lambda expression. Function definitions are enclosed in curly brackets {}. Argument declarations, if any, follow the open bracket. Variable declarations follow argument declarations. An expression follows the declarations.

// Functions in SuperCollider are within curly brackets  (also called "braces") {}

{ arg a, b, c;  var d;   d = a * b; c + d }

//When evaluated, the function returns the value of its expression.

f = { arg a, b; a + b };
f.value(4, 5).postln;
f.value(10, 200).postln;

f = {44.postln};

f.value // to call the function we need to get its .value


An argument list immediately follows the open curly bracket of a function definition. An argument list either begins with the reserved word arg, or is contained between two vertical bars.

"arg" style: { arg x = 1; …. }

Pipe style: { |x = 1| … }


Assign values to variables.

Data type of variables: integer, float, string, symbol, etc…

180503 Algorithmic Composition
Variables, functions

//Global variables
a = 10;
b = 20;
c = 0.234521;

d = "hello";

a = [1, 34, 55, 0.1, "string in a list", \symbol, pi]; // or an array with mixed types

a //hit this line to see the container of a

//local variables
var v, a;
v = 22;
a = 33;

v // hit this line and watch the post window 
a // hit this line and watch the post window - still our old "a" from above

//You cannot evaluate local variables out of their scope of the brackets or a function.
var number9;

number9=9;//sets local vars, NOT global

number9;//error: this doesnt work outside of the scope of the brackets 

~ (tilde) global (Environmental variables) 
An Environment is an IdentityDictionary with additional features that allow it to serve as a 'name space' within which functions can be defined and/or evaluated.

The compiler provides a shortcut syntax where ~ is a placeholder for .currentEnvironment. This makes the expression ~myvariable; equivalent to\myvariable); and the expression ~myvariable = 888; equivalent to currentEnvironment.put(\myvariable, 888);

currentEnvironment; //run this line to the current state of the currentEnvironment

//You use the currentEnvironment via the ~ sign

~myvariable= 888;

//The ~ and = is a shortcut here for 

currentEnvironment.put(\myvariable, 888);

//You can access the variable wherever you need it by 


//environmental variable: sound example
~variable1 = {, 800, 1))};
~variable2 = {, 800, 1))};
~variable3 = (~variable1*~variable2);
{, ~variable3)

currentEnvironment; //run this line to the current state of the currentEnvironment
General tips

Find recordings folder


Sound synthesis techniques

Introduction to sound synthesis and sound design (origin, definition, procedures, application fields).

SuperCollider example: Creating a sine wave

{, 0, 0.3)}.play

Additive synthesis

{, 0, 0.4), 0, 0.3)}.play;

Subtractive synthesis

{, { + 500.0.rand, 0, 0.05)}), 2900, 0.5);

Granular synthesis

SynthDef(\granular, {|out = 0, trig = 1, dur = 0.1, sndbuf, pos = 0.2,
rate = 1, pan = 0, amp = 0.4|
var env, source;
env =, 1, doneAcion: 2);
source =,,, dur, sndbuf, rate, pos, 2,
pan, envbuf) * env)
Input Devices

Musical gestures can be expressed through a wide range of body movements. Dozens of input devices have been developed to capture these gestures. (Roads 1996: 625)

Switch Push buttons Linear potentiometer or fader Trackball Joystick Game Paddles etc

Instrument design


Capacitive touch sensor-raspberry pi


To be continued…